Oh Really... / by Diana Lang

Articles like this just piss me off. Great, you have a publicist and wonderful Dave Phinney, you get some press but FFS, at least be accurate.

1. Northern California Town Without Restaurants. The what you say? Vallejo has restaurants. Mare Island does not but guess what, Mare Island IS Vallejo. Watch it folks, this is where they will start to individuate from Vallejo.

2. Note: no date or even year when this mythical venture may appear. Fried chicken, well that's gonna put us on the map!

3. "It’s a peninsula and home to Touro University in Vallejo, along with a smattering of small businesses and residences." Uh, the Western Regional Headquarters of the US Forest Service, Factory_OS are no small businesses.

4. "It can feel more like a dying steel town than Napa Valley." and "spooky" - gee, where did that come from? Careful with the descriptors here.

Read my earlier piece Nimitzville? if you want to know more. I recently heard that the COO and CFO for the Nimitz Group were dismissed. This makes me even more concerned where this group is headed…color me a cynic but I have seen much in my near 20 years in this town and I’m looking askance at this latest development.